You are sick or have been injured and can no longer perform in your occupation. Unable to work, you have no current income. You’ve heard that people with long-term disability coverage can receive a portion of their prior salary as long as they are disabled.

The question for you is – how do I know if I have long-term disability coverage?
To find the answer to this question, you can do one of the following:
- Reach out to your employer and human resources to see if you are covered under a long-term disability policy. If your employer offers it as a benefit, you may be covered.
- Check your paystubs to see if premiums for long-term disability coverage have been deducted from your pay. It may say something like “LTD” under the deductions. If so, then it is highly likely that you do have long-term disability coverage.
If you have coverage and are no longer able to work, you should consult with one of our experienced disability lawyers to discuss filing a claim.
Lawyers Specializing in Disability Insurance Claims
Because disability insurance law is complicated, it is important to get legal help from a lawyer who focuses on disability law.
As a law firm built to focus on disability insurance, our lawyers specialize in disability insurance. We spend every day working to get our clients long term disability benefits approved.
Because federal law applies to most disability insurance claims, we do not have to be located in your state to help.
If your claim for long term disability benefits was denied or being delayed by an insurance company, call us to speak with a disability insurance attorney.
We represent clients across the U.S. with:
- Submitting a disability insurance claim,
- Appealing a long-term disability denial,
- Negotiating a lump-sum settlement, or
- Filing a lawsuit against your disability insurance company.
Call us at (800) 969-0488 or contact us online for a free consultation with a disability attorney.