3 Main Reasons Your Life Insurance Benefits Claim May Be Denied

Submitting a life insurance claim can be a distressing task. It is important to understand going into the claim process the various reasons your claim may be denied.

Reasons Your Life Insurance Benefits Claim May Be Denied

It is also important to understand that these reasons do not necessarily mean you are not entitled to benefits or that you do not have a valid claim.

  1. Uncertainty as to who the correct beneficiary may be

Was your life insurance claim denied because the insurance company claimed someone else is the rightful beneficiary? In this situation, we would have to investigate who the proper beneficiary is. It may be an issue with a beneficiary designation form. It could also be an issue following a divorce and whether life insurance coverage was required.

  1. Failure to provide Evidence of Insurability form

Did the insurance company tell you your claim for life insurance was denied because your loved one did not provide an Evidence of Insurability (“EOI”) form? This form is sometimes required when coverage is obtained. It is a simple one- or two-page questionnaire about one’s medical history.

Typically, the employer provides this form to the employee when they become covered under the life insurance policy. Once completed, the employer sends it to the insurance company. However, the employers do not always do what they are supposed to do.

We can determine if the missing EOI is a valid reason to deny the life insurance claim.

  1. Failure to disclose medical history

If your life insurance claim was denied because the insurance company claims your loved one did not disclose their complete medical history, you may still be entitled to those benefits. We must look at the application and underwriting process and determine if the information left out was relevant. There are situations where non-disclosure of medical history does not impact the claim.

If you have a denied life insurance claim, call the experienced attorneys at Dabdoub Law Firm. We will evaluation your case at no cost to determine how we can help you obtain the life insurance benefits you are entitled to.

Insurance Companies Have Lawyers. Shouldn’t You?

Our experience in life insurance claims means our clients have the backing of a law firm that has attorneys who:

  1. fought all major disability insurance companies and know their tactics; and
  2. a track record of success against disability insurance companies.

All our lawyers commit every day of their legal career to helping people get disability benefits from UNUM, MetLife, Prudential, Northwestern Mutual, Hartford, CIGNA, and others.

Because federal law applies to most employer-provided insurance claims, we do not have to be located in your state to help. We help clients nationwide.

Call to get an experienced life insurance lawyer on your side.
